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My last Inspection took place on the 27th September 2011. I was awarded an OFSTED rating of Outstanding for the second consecutive time. Here are a few extracts taken from the three main areas of the Inspection Report:

Overall effectiveness – OUTSTANDING

"Overall the quality of the provision is outstanding. Children are exceptionally settled and secure in the childminder's care. Children make very good progress in their learning and development.

The organisation of the home provides a child-friendly and, overall, very stimulating environment to very effectively support children's learning outcomes. Children benefit from excellent interaction with the childminder, and enjoy a wide range of purposeful activities and outings.

Meticulous attention to detail within policies and procedures thoroughly underpins children's well-being, good health and safety. Self-evaluation systems are highly effective and the childminder is extremely proactive in driving continuous improvement. The childminder forms exceptional partnerships with parents."

Leadership & Management – OUTSTANDING

"The childminder organises her childminding service extremely well. The childminder demonstrates she is exceptionally committed to providing high quality childcare. She attends an extensive range of training and keeps up to date with current practice. As a result, the childminder continually increases her professional practice to benefit the children and families. Reflective practice and plans for ongoing improvements and training sustain and drive exceptional continuous improvement

Excellent and meticulous planning for individual children enables the childminder to identify any needs for extra support or challenge. The childminder works very closely with parents to support continuity and consistency in children's care and learning needs. Subsequently, the childminder extensively meets children's individual needs and children thrive in her care. Parents are highly complimentary about the childminder's service."

Quality & Standards – OUTSTANDING

"The childminder has meticulous processes for recording children's progress. This includes comprehensive tracking of children's development and progress. The childminder plans proactively for the next steps in children's learning. As a result, children make very good progress towards the early learning goals.

The environment is very stimulating with a wide range of artwork, pictures, posters and print on display. The childminder provides cohesive care and routines to children. This underpins children's exceptional confidence in her care and very effectively promotes feelings of security and safety."

If you wish to read a full version of my OFSTED report please click on this link.