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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) was introduced in September 2088 in order to bring together:

in order to create a simple and flexible approach to children’s care and learning. All providers are required to use the EYFS when caring for children from birth to 31st August past their 5th birthday. This is to ensure that whatever setting parents choose, they can be confident that their child will receive a consistent, quality experience that supports their continuing development and learning.

The EYFS is based around four principles:

I tailor each child’s care in accordance with his or her individual needs and interests. I observe, listen and note what the children in my care do, together with their interests and skills on a daily basis, and link these observations to the EYFS. I am then able to plan suitable activities based on these observations and evaluations.

Each child has their own Learning Journey book, which records personal information as well as storing valuable information about their development across the EYFS framework. This will also include photographs and samples of some of their artwork, which parents are able to keep as a keepsake for years to come.

I also complete a Daily Diary for each child, so that parents are kept informed of their Child's moods, activities, meals, rest periods, toilet habits and also include any learning magic moments!  It is very useful if parents also write in the diary to provide me with any important information. This is especially important if your child attends another setting e.g. it is helpful to know what a child is learning at Nursery so that I can reinforce it during their time with me.