Life Skills

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As a parent, I am very aware of the importance of teaching children crucial life skills. It is important to me that all children grow up to be independent, resourceful and well balanced young people. I understand the need to offer support and encouragement to children in order that they can develop essential skills along their journey to being responsible adults. I have therefore designed a comprehensive, rotational life-skills curriculum for children, which I teach part-time in the evenings. This curriculum is designed to help all children regardless of age or ability to develop the essential physical, cognitive, emotional, social and behavioural skills that they need to embrace life with a positive mental attitude.

I ensure that the children in my care are offered developmentally appropriate activities and opportunities to explore and develop these essential life skills:


Bullying is wrong and harmful behaviour, which makes the person being bullied feel afraid or uncomfortable. Through books and regular role play exercises, the children learn valuable life skills, which will help them to get along with others, solve conflicts peacefully, safely handle everyday situations and learn who to ask for help.


We will be looking at the issues of Stranger Safety, Keeping Safe & Staying Safe. I will help the children learn how to react in different situations, how to avoid conflict, when to shout for attention and help, and how to be more aware of their surroundings and any potential dangers.


I encourage and help the children to learn and understand the need to stay safe when outside. They will learn how to use the Green Cross Code, the dangers of traffic, different road crossings, the importance of being seen, cycle safety and helmets, seat belts and the need to tell a parent where they are going to play and when they will be back.


Fire is dangerous. Through carefully guided role-play exercises, I help the children to learn when, where and how to call 999, and what emergency services are available. I will also be introducing the children to the various aspects of fire safety, and how to deal with the effects of fire and smoke e.g. smoke rises and if children are able to crawl along the floor to escape then they will be able to breathe more easily.


The children will learn all about what their bodies need to grow and stay healthy - food, water, air, exercise and sleep. They will learn how to take care of themselves, the importance of balanced meals and how to stay safe in the sun.


Through simple regular role-play exercises, the children will learn basic, simple first aid techniques and will be given opportunities to practice and demonstrate these life saving skills using lots of bandages and slings. These exercises will include staying safe, how to get help, how to help someone with asthma, simple burns, breaks and bleeding, airways/breathing and circulation and the recovery position.

N.B. I ensure that ONLY developmentally appropriate activities and opportunities are offered to the children to allow them to explore and develop these essential life skills.